Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Organ

So, I haven't played anything since Easter... but, I'm scheduled for this Sunday, so, I need to pull something out and practice!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

He Arose the Victor!

For the last few weeks, I've been practicing piano and organ duet Easter music.

The songs:
Open the Gates of the Temple
God, So Loved the World
Thine is the Glory
Christ Arose

have moved me deeply.  There's something about the power of the pipes behind the melodies that brings the lyrics home.
Most notably for me: He arose the victor from the dark domain... in Christ Arose.

This Easter morning I'll be playing the pipe organ in church, not having played in a very long time. I'm hoping that the power of the pipes will be a blessing for those who listen.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Returning to the Organ

Last fall, my husband and I began attending a church in North Seattle.
Yesterday, for the first time, I ventured near the organ - a Balcon and Vaughan historical instrument

I haven't played a pipe organ in about a decade... and after my first few minutes, I was moved to tears.

I played for over two hours and found myself in that incredibly calm inner space I remember from so long ago.
I think I may pull out those old shoes and see what happens to my head and heart.